Vietnam War


Vietnam is situated in South East Asia and shares the Indochinese peninsula with Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Malaysia. It is a tropical zone with 80% of the country covered by tropical vegetation and is approximately the size of California. Vietnam has two large rivers running through it: the Red River in the North and the Mekong River, which is in the south.

Vietnamese is a combination of Cambodian, Chinese, and Thai. It is a tonal language, which makes it incredibly difficult for Westerners to speak. One syllable could have six different inflections with completely different meanings. During the Vietnam War, there were over 40 million people who inhabited the country. The racial ancestors of the Viet Vietnamese are a mix of Chinese and non-Chinese people of Mongolian Descent as well as those of Indonesian and Filipino heritage and at least 54 minority ethnic groups. More than half of the population lives in the coastal plains and lowlands formed from the two river deltas. Rural villages are home to 85% of the Vietnamese population whose lives are centered on subsistence farming or fishing.


Camp, Norman M. US Army Psychiatry in the Vietnam War, New Challenges in Extended 
Counterinsurgency Warfare, 2014. Ed. Linette Sparacino. Fort Sam Houstan: Surgeon General Borden Institute, US Army Medical Department Center & School, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Events Leading up to the Vietnam War

Before WWII, Vietnam, along with Cambodia and Laos, were a part of the French Empire (French Indochina). During World War II Vietnam was overrun by the Japanese. Ho Chi Minh helped to develop the country’s main anticolonial organization—the League for the Independence of Vietnam (the Viet Minh)–which began a guerrilla war against Japanese forces. Ho Chi Minh, along with the Viet Minh, aided the American war effort and in return received training, arms, and support from the U.S. Office of Strategic Services. When the Japanese retreated in 1945, Vietnam attempted to establish its own government led by Ho Chi Minh, but after the war France began its reclamation of Indochina with America’s financial support. 

In October 1946, the French announced their intentions to reclaim North Vietnam. In November 1946 they bombarded the port of Haiphong and killed 6,000 people. Despite Ho Chi Minh’s pleas for U.S. support, the U.S. saw Minh as a nationalist, but a communist nationalist. Therefore, the U.S. supported the French with the knowledge that France would be a necessary ally in the war against communism. U.S. involvement gradually increased until the U.S. was the major fiscal supporter of France’s war, providing them with 80% of their funds.

The French offered the people of the north “independence” and appointed Bao Dai as the new leader of the country. The Russians and Eastern Europe refused to recognize his rule and claimed Ho Chi Minh as the real ruler of Vietnam.

Although, France was receiving financial aid from America, they could not handle Viet Minh’s guerrilla tactics learned from Communist China (after Mao Zedong’s rise to power in 1949). In November 1953, the French sent men from their Parachute Regiment to Dien Bien Phu in the north. It was assumed the French would defeat the untrained Viet Minh guerrillas, but in 1954, the regiment was attacked by the North Vietnamese and surrendered. The French pulled out of Vietnam in the same month.

In April 1954, Vietnam was discussed at Geneva by the world’s powers and in July 1954 the country was split in two at the 17th parallel. Bao Dai was to lead the south and Ho Chi Minh was to lead the north. The meeting also decided on a future election to be held in 1956 in both North and South Vietnam to decide who would rule the entire country, but the election never took place and the split was permanent by 1956.

The Viet Minh trained guerrillas to infiltrate South Vietnam to speak for communism and to persuade those in South Vietnam to support Ho Chi Minh. Those sent from the North helped those in the south with farming and were helpful and courteous.  Emperor Bao Dai was pressured by the U.S. to appoint Ngo Dinh Diem as South Vietnam’s leader. Diem was a devout Catholic. He ruled South Vietnam under a strict autocracy and alienated the majority of the population he ruled over because of his religious preference, but was anti-communism, and therefore received American support.


General Nguyen Giap

After the election failed to occur in 1956, the Viet Minh became more active militarily and their guerrillas, the Viet Cong, attacked soft targets in the south using a 1000 mile trail along the border with Laos, the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Viet Cong was trained by Giap who learned tactics from the Chinese communists. He introduced a “hearts and minds” policy long before Americans became militarily involved in Vietnam.

The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War derived from the Cold War and the United States’ attitude toward communism. The U.S. feared the spread of communism in south-east Asia and therefore they provided aid, weapons, advice, and fighting units to Southern Vietnam. The USSR supported Ho Chi Minh and the communist effort by providing arms to China, who then armed the North Vietnamese.

In 1961 when John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President, the U.S. had fewer than 1,000 military personnel in Vietnam who were technically listed as advisors and were primarily involved in the training and development of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. That number rose to more than 16,000 over the next two years.

The Kennedy administration pressured Diem to reform and settle with the Buddhist leaders, but to no avail. In response to rumors of Diem and Nhu’s approaches to Hanoi in order to reach a settlement, the Kennedy administration gave their support to a coup by a junta of generals.

On November 1, 1963, Diem was overthrown and he and his brother were killed. Three weeks after Diem’s assassination, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. On November 22, 1963 Lyndon Baines Johnson became the 36th President of the United States.


C.N. Trueman. “The Causes Of The Vietnam War” The History Learning Site, 27 Mar 2015. 17 Dec 2015.

Young, Marilyn Blatt., John J. Fitzgerald, and A. Tom. Grunfeld. The Vietnam War: A History in Documents. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. Print.

Vietnam War Timeline

1960- December 20th: The National Liberation Front is established. (Referred to as the Viet Cong by the U.S.)


National Liberation Front

1964- August 7th: The U.S. Congress approves the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of “conventional” military force in Southeast Asia.

1965- March 8th: The first U.S. combat units arrive in Vietnam.

1968- January 30th: The Viet Cong and North Vietnam People’s Army of Vietnam launch a series of surprise attacks against military and civilian commands and control centers throughout South Vietnam (Tet Offensive).

1968- March 16th: American soldiers massacre hundreds of civilians in the hamlet of My Lai.

1968- April 3rd: Ho chi Minh’s government declares it is prepared to talk about peace and preliminary talks will begin in May.

1968- April 4th: Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

1968- May 27th: In U.S. v. David Paul O’Brien, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the criminal prohibition of draft card burning does not violate the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech.

1968- November 6th: Nixon is elected president of the U.S.

1969-June: The number U.S. troops in Vietnam peaks at 543,000. Nixon announces his plan to train and transition South Vietnamese troops to assume roles filled by American troops. He promises to withdraw 25,000 American soldiers.

1969- September 3rd: Ho Chi Minh dies at the age of 79.

1969- November 15th: Around 600,000 Americans attend an anti-war protest rally in DC.

1969- November 16th: Nixon promises to withdraw 35,000 additional troops from the war in Vietnam.

1969- December 1st: The first draft lottery since 1942 was held in the U.S. The drawing determined the order of induction for men born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. A large glass container held 366 blue plastic balls containing every possible birth date and affecting men between 18 and 26 years old.

Rep. Alexander Pirnie, R-NY, draws the first capsule in the lottery drawing held on Dec. 1, 1969. The capsule contained the date, Sept. 14.

1969- December: Irwin tells his parents he was drafted into the Vietnam War

1969- December 15th: Nixon promises to bring home 50,000 troops from Vietnam by April 1970.

1970- February 20th: Secret peace talks between Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam begin in Paris.

1970- April: Over 420,000 American soldiers remain in Vietnam. Nixon promises to withdraw another 150,000 within the next year.

1970- April 30th: In a nationally televised broadcast, President Nixon announces that American and South Vietnamese units have invaded Cambodia to destroy bases that provided aid to the NLF.

1970- May 1st: Students at Kent State University in Ohio organize a massive public demonstration against the American invasion of Cambodia.

1970- May 4th: The Kent State shootings occurred at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, in the United States and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard.

1970- May 14th: Police shoot and kill 2 students during anti-war protests at the historically black Jackson State College in Mississippi.

1970- September 30th: Irwin arrives in Saigon.

1971- April: A military court sentences First Lieutenant William Calley to life in prison for the murders of 22 Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Village in 1968.

1971- April 24th: 200,000 people march in DC to protest the Vietnam War.

1971- June 13th: The New York Times begins publishing pieces from the “Pentagon Papers,” which contain top-secret information collected by the Department of Defense about U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.

1971- June: The House and Senate vote to withdraw all U.S. troops in Vietnam by year’s end.

1972- March 30th: President Nixon orders massive bombing of North Vietnam in response to a major attack (the Easter Offensive) launched by the NLF in South Vietnam

1972- August 11th: The last U.S. ground troops leave Vietnam. Thousands of airmen, advisors, and support personnel remain.

1972: October 11th: An agreement to end the Vietnam War is reached between Kissinger and North Vietnam.

1972- November 7th: Nixon defeats Democratic candidate Senator George Mcgovern in thetumblr_mexdgwqA1C1qcntwso1_500 presidential election. Mcgovern runs on an anti-war platform that would grant amnesty to draft evaders who left the county and would exchange American withdrawal from Vietnam for the return of American Prisoners of War.

1973- January 27th: Representatives from South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the U.S. sign a peace agreement in which a ceasefire is declared, the U.S. agrees to withdraw combat troops and the government of South Vietnam promises to hold free elections to allow its people to decide their future.

1973- May 29th: U.S. Combat Units are withdrawn from Vietnam, but military advisors and some Marines remain. Over 3 million Americans have served in the war, nearly 60,000 are dead, 150,000 wounded, and at least 1,000 are missing in action.

1974- May: The ceasefire in Vietnam is officially over. The U.S. Congress rejects President Nixon’s request for increased military aid to South Vietnam.

1974- August 9th: President Nixon Resigns amidst the Watergate scandal; his vice president Gerald Ford takes office.

1975- April 30th: The North Vietnamese take Saigon; the war in Vietnam ends.

Selective Service Classifications

Class 1:

1-A: Available for military service

1-AO: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service only.

1-C: Member of the Armed Forces of the U.S., the Coast Geodetic Survey, or the Public Health Service taking military training (including ROTC); and accepted aviation cadet applicants.

1-H: Holding status; not currently subject to processing for induction.

1-O: Conscientious objector available for civilian work, contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest.

1-S: Student deferred by law until graduation from high school, or attainment of age of twenty, or until the end of his academic year at a college or university.

1-W: Conscientious objector performing civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest, or who has completed such work.

1-Y: Registrant qualified for military service only in time of war or national emergency (subject to rechecking when manpower needs increase)

Class II:

2-A: Occupational deferment other than agricultural and student.

2-C: Agricultural deferment.

2-S: Student deferment, granted only upon application to continuing college students.

Class III:

3-A: Extreme hardship deferment, or registrant with a child or children.

Class IV:

4-A: Registrant with sufficient prior military service or who is a sole surviving son of a parent killed in combat.

4-B: Official, deferred by law.

4-C: Alien, not currently liable for military service.

4-D: Minister of religion or divinity student.

4-F: Registrant not qualified for any military service (permanent exemption)

Class V:

5-A: Registrant is over the age of liability for military service.